2008-Present: Various seminars with acrylic artists: Rod Lawrence, Mark Mehaffey, Valerie Allen
1991-1994: Associate in Commercial Illustration, Lansing Community College
1991-1994: Associate in Fine Art, Lansing Community College
1980 -1991: Apprenticeship with various professional porcelain artists
Offices Held
2005-2007: President – World Organization of China Painters (WOCP)
1999-2001: President – Michigan Porcelain Artists (MPA)
1997-1999: President – Flint Chapter of MPA
1995-1997: Vice-President – Flint Chapter of MPA
1996: Chairperson – Okemos Art Tour, Okemos MI
Awards and Exhibitions
March - August 2016 Selected Nature Themes Neighborhood Empowerment Center Lansing Michigan
February 2016 "Out on a Limb," Arts Council of Greater Lansing, Lansing, Michigan
January 2016 "The Colors of Nature," One Trick Pony Gallery in Grand Rapids, Michigan
December 2015 Members Show Shiawassee Art Center Owosso, Michigan
November - December 2015 Featured Artist Exhibit C2C Gallery, Grand Haven, Michigan
November - December 2015 Featured Artist Absolute Gallery, Old Town Lansing, Michigan
December 2014 "Art of C.L.Tonning" on display at Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce
July - August 2014 "Acorns of Hope" mural at CIE Community Mental Health Lansing, Michigan
July, 2014 Life in the Serengeti at One Trick Pony Gallery in Grand Rapids, Michigan
January, 2014 Creative Creature Exhibition at Absolute Gallery in Old Town Lansing, Michigan
October, 2013 Creative Creature Exhibition in Safari Room at Potter Park Zoo
Arts Council of Greater Lansing Individual Artist Grant - April 2013
1993 & 1994 Ascension Lutheran Christian Art Show Award.
Pat Reily Scholarship Award (LCC)
Numerous Show Ribbons
Selected Published Works
Professional Artist Magazine - Artist Showcase online at:
Professional Artist Magazine - Artist Showcase online 2013
Cover of Porcelain & Glass Magazine, Featured Artist 2005
“Miss Snickers with the Betty Davis Eyes," The China Decorator, May/June 2005, page 5.
“Modern Designing," The China Decorator, January/February 2005, pages 10-11.
“Fresh Blueberries," The China Painter, July/August 2004, page 45.
“Hawk," The China Decorator, January/February 2003, page 39.
“Poppies & Blackberries," Porselensmaling, September l998, front cover.
“Poppies," The China Decorator, October 1996, back cover.
Teaching Experience
2014 Creative Recovery Art Class at Community Mental Health Lansing, Michigan
2014 Shiawassee Art Center - Children's Acrylic Painting Classes
2013 Artist in Residence for Potter Park Zoo, taught Children's Art Class and
held an Exhibition of Wildlife Art
2005 Buffalo, NY: Workshop for WOCP International Convention
2004 Pueblo, CO: Instructor at WOCP Art Institute held at the University of Southern Colorado
2004 Mercer, PA: Instructor at Penn-Ohio Porcelain Art School
1994 - 2007: Various Porcelain Art Seminars and Workshops across the country
1994-2001: Held weekly Porcelain Art Classes in my home studio